Does your address affect your business or the way you operate?

We have been located at our offices in Timperley for several years, its not a glamorous location but it is a very functional office where a small but perfectly formed team supervise debt recovery cases all over the world. It is good to know that our location has never affected the level of business we have always offered to businesses across the world.

However, when we speak to some clients they have had to locate their offices in premiere locations as their own clients see that as a necessity.

But is the perception now post Lockdown that you need a prestige address in the City of London or Central Manchester? When we were told last year that we had to work from home it didn’t affect any aspect of our business.

As a company that has ensured we use online platforms we can work from anywhere virtually. Our telephone lines are on a VOIP system, so we answer and call from them anywhere in the world and this makes sure our business continues whatever the situation.

This allows our staff to work more efficiently as they no longer need to be in the office during normal office hours. Our staff can now time their work to suite the clients they are working with or the location of the debt.

An overseas debtor may need chasing before normal UK office working hours or if they are based in the America’s they will need to be spoken to later in the day. Having a more flexible approach to office working allows us to accommodate those requirements.

Now the world has changed we are finding that our more high-profile clients would prefer to have a Teams or Zoom meeting rather than us travelling down to London to brief them on current open cases and we are then seeing them face to face on a less regular basis.

Although we are projecting a rosy picture of co-working and working from home there is a down -side as businesses are re-locating giving their office accommodation back means that they can be harder to contact for credit management purposes. Having an address does not necessarily mean they are located at that premises it may well be a virtual address.

This has led to us having to offer a more extensive tracing service for our clients possibly looking for director’s home addresses to ensure they receive demands for outstanding monies.

Landlords are also finding that rents have been left outstanding too and we are experiencing that more and more commercial property owners are requiring our services for rent collections.

In summary the growth of the hybrid office has certainly got its benefits as long as the company is set up to cope with the on-line demands. However, it does create a surplus of office space and the potential for a build-up of debt to the business community.